Kenji starts the campaign returning from a long exile, having escaped murdering his father and an ensuing Lotus pogrom that killed the rest of his family. Last surviving member of the Oja, ruling family of the Serpent Clan, and the protagonist of the original two campaigns.

Indeed, every member of the Wolf Clan can attract a lupine follower that will aid them in battle.

In return for food, safety and companionship, the wolves will fight at the sides of their human friends. Typically, wolves are drawn to the Wolf Clan both from a sense of companionship and kindred spirits, as well as the promise of easy and abundant sources of food, for the Wolf clan will often track down and slaughter horses and other animals in order to attract packs of wolves to their dens. Wolves are generated in the Wolf Clan all clan members seek to emulate the behavior of this mighty predator. If a tamer dies, the wolf will return to natural habitat (actually the nearest wolf spawn point) or remain in current position. Wolf Monk can’t get wolves, but can steal Trained Horses. Most of Wolf Clan Units can get one wolf from Wolves' Den, Werewolf and Wolf Zen Masters can get up to two wolves, and Wildeye and Pack Master can get up to three wolves.