Linear feedback shift registers
Linear feedback shift registers

linear feedback shift registers

These two complexities were introduced to measure the stability of the linear complexity function, in analogy to the derivative of functions in Euclidean spaces. Where per( t ∞) = N denotes that t ∞ has period N. The reader may consult for more details on LFSRs. Consequently, the period of an LFSR with n stages always divides 2 n − 1. If the feedback polynomial C ( x ) has degree n and it is irreducible over F 2, with α being a root of C ( x ) in F 2 n, then the period of the LFSR is equal to the order of α in F 2 n. If the feedback polynomial C ( x ) is primitive over F 2, then each of the 2 n − 1 nonzero states of the associated nonsingular LFSR will produce an output of linear complexity n. L satisfies a triangle-like inequality, that is, L ( s ⊕ t ) ≤ L ( s ) + L ( t ), where s ⊕ t is the bitwise xor of s, t. If s is periodic of period T, then L ( s ) ≤ T. L ( s n ) = n if and only if s n = 0, 0, …, 0, 1. L ( s n ) = 0 if and only if s n is the all zero sequence of length n. The linear complexity satisfies the following properties. If s n is a finite binary sequence, then L ( s n ) is the length of the shortest LFSR which has s n as its first n terms. We shall use the concept heavily in Chapter 7. LFSRs can be applied in generating pseudo-random numbers, pseudo-noise sequences, fast digital counters, whitening sequences, cryptography, etc., and they can be implemented in both software and hardware. However, an LFSR with a well-chosen feedback function and seed can produce a sequence of bits which appears random (has good statistical properties) and which has a large period. Since any register has a finite number of possible states, it must eventually be periodic. The initial input of an LFSR is called a seed. The new content (the feedback bit) of the stage m − 1 would be obtained by xor-ing a subset of the content of the m stages. The content of stage i is shifted to stage i − 1, for 1 ≤ i ≤ m − 1 3. S i (the content of stage 0) forms part of the output 2. At time i, the following operations are performed : 1. A vector with entries s 0, …, s m − 1 would initialize the shift register. An LFSR of length m consists of m stages numbered 0, 1, …, m − 1, each capable of storing one bit, and a clock controlling data exchange. A linear feedback shift register (LFSR) is a shift register whose input bit is the output of a linear function of two or more of its previous states (taps).

Linear feedback shift registers